Electrical capturing system for train supplying and involving parameters.


  • Yaovi GAGOU LPMC Université de Picardie Jules Verne
  • PhD. LPMC, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
  • Brice Jonckheere Ikos Consulting
  • Robert Bouzerar LPMC, Université de Picardie Jules Verne


Electric current, spots, multi-contact physics, Solid-solid Interface, Train


Electric trains are powered by a current distribution device which depends on several parameters. This takes into account electrical energy production, its transportation and distribution. These cannot be assumed without energy loss. In the case of train navigation electric current can be transmitted by spots established between sources and the train. These spots represent a serious problem to be solved for good energy consumption since they depend on interface contact between pantograph and catenary. In these conditions it is worth to describe in the present paper all aspects governing the good functionality of energy production, its distribution and consumption to perform train activity.


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How to Cite

GAGOU, Y., Ait Mohamed, S., Jonckheere, B., & Bouzerar, R. (2022). Electrical capturing system for train supplying and involving parameters. OAJ Materials and Devices, 6(1). Retrieved from http://caip.co-ac.com/index.php/materialsanddevices/article/view/148