About the Journal

Materials and Devices is an Open Access journal managed by academics, which publishes original, and peer-reviewed papers accessible only via internet, freely for all. Your published article can be freely downloaded, and self archiving of your paper is allowed and encouraged!

The topics covered by the journal are wide, Materials and Devices aims at publishing papers on all aspects of studies on materials, and related devices. This includes solid state physics and chemistry, chemical physics, materials science, microelectronics, photonics,... and all types of materials.

Papers on biomaterials, geomaterials, archeomaterials or on studies of ancient materials are also welcome. A particular attention is also paid on environmental studies related with materials and on materials relevant to environment preservation.

Authors are also encouraged to submit papers on theoretical studies applied to materials, including pure mathematical approaches, physical approaches, models, numerical simulations, etc.

We apply « the principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing» as defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Materials and Devices is now indexed by the DOAJ and published articles receive a DOI. 

Articles are published under the responsability of authors, in particular concerning the respect of copyrights; we ask authors to consider this point very seriously because any figure (or table) already published (even by the author himself) in another journal is generally submitted to copyrights. In that case authors should ask for permission to reproduce the figure in his article.

Another very important point is plagiarism. Authors should be careful not to plagiarize other works; we check articles for plagiarism, and authors who would submit a plagiarized article (or partially plagiarized) will be bannished from the journal.

Readers are aware that the contents of published articles may involve hazardous experiments if reproduced; the reproduction of experimental procedures described in articles is under the responsability of readers and their own analysis of potential danger.

Downloads: Flier of the journal  Article templates: there is a special template for review articles, other types of articles may be edited with the general template. See the last issue of the journal to get the updated templates, containing also instructions for authors.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 (2024): OAJ Materials and Devices vol 8 (2024)
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