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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I attest that I submit this article with the agreement of all coauthors who agree with this submission
  • I am aware that the materials present in the submitted article (figures, tables, etc) are original, or that we got permissions from the relevant publisher(s). Due reference to original article, if relevant, should be given in the caption of corresponding figure(s)

Author Guidelines

Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically, only using the online submission through this site.

NEW! For the evaluation stage any document is suitable. In order to minimize loss time of scientists, you can submit your manuscript withjout following the template of the journal! Only once your manuscript is accepted you will have to provide us with a manuscript presented according to the template.
From now, we accept also all systems of reference presentation!

Authors are asked also to provide us with a list of 15 researchers working in fields related to that of the submitted manuscript (e-mail addresses).

For the final manuscript, the file should be prepared preferentially using Libre Office and the template that makes easy the preparation of manuscripts, and recalls guidelines. Later on, a LaTeX template will be available in the site of the journal.

If you decide to use another text processing software, you will be asked to provide us with the corresponding pdf format file, including yourself the information that will be communicated by us (like final ref, DOI,...)

Take care that the final pdf of your paper should not exceed 10 Mo !

Authors submitting a paper on behalf of coauthors, attest that it is approved by them. Submitted papers should not have been published in another journal or currently submitted for publication.

If results described in another publication are used, authors should mention clearly their origin, and in case of use of figure, table, etc from another paper, remember that the permission should be obtained from the corresponding publisher. This is under the responsability of authors, and any claim for the publication in your article, of a forbidden part by another editor/author, will be forwarded to authors.

Plagiarism is strictly forbidden, and authors recognize when submitting their article on line,that it is exempt of plagiarism. Manuscripts are checked against plagiarism, and authors who would submit a plagiarized manuscript will not be allowed to submit other papers to the journal.

If the paper receives a positive answer from the reviewers, authors should send the final version of the paper in original format (.odt prepared with Libre Office) through the internet site of the journal, or provide us with the final pdf containing the information we shall communicate (Nr of volume, etc).

Beware that publication is free for authors but if you submit a paper that does not respect the template and requires from us an additional work, you will be charged by an inclusive fee of 100€.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.